The Origin of the village name in Chamorro
The village’s Chamorro name, Inalåhan, probably refers to the åla or large woven coconut-leaf harvest baskets for which the village was noted. The name could also be derived from the word hålla, meaning to pull something or move something with a rope tied to it. In written historical documents, the Spanish changed all the l’s in Chamorro words to r’s, thus changing the village’s name to Inalåhan, which is the name officially recognized today.

Did you know?
Inalåhan is the oldest village in Guam. It was also the main fishing spot of early Chamorro's.
~ Gef Pago Chamorro Cultural Village
~ Historic Homes
~ Inalåhan Community Center
~ Salaglula (Inalåhan) Pool
~ Talofofo Falls